In 1938, Hitler knew that to gain ultimate power he had to control the narrative - the descriptive language imposed on the population. A review of history will show that this understanding has always been the main tool of the dominant force in society. Shakespeare had to be careful when writing his historical plays that he showed the Tudors in a good light - otherwise he would soon have been out of favour with those in power.
I have just been visiting beautiful and vibrant Vietnam where recent history of the country is written from the victor's perspective. Families in what was South Vietnam quietly tell their children an alternative narrative. I was honoured to be invited to write my wish for the country on a flag, which was hoisted as part of the New lunar year celebrations.

In the USA, the narrative is now being carefully crafted in a Republican image. Similarly, this can be seen universally where populist or authoritarian politicians gain power.
It has never been more important for each of us to become more self-aware, checking out why we believe what we do? Where does our world view come from? Is the media manipulating our minds and forming our attitudes towards others? In the USA only two genders are now officially allowed - the use of pronouns is being banned. Is this the start of dehumanising those who may not fit the official view - as the Jews found in Nazi Germany?
What can each of us do to stop oppressive and limiting narrative that determines how we see the world?
Explore your inner world of thoughts and feelings. Why do you see the world in the way you do?
Resist being influenced by emotive rhetoric that creates fear and simplistic solutions e.g. send all the Palestinians to Egypt or Jordan
Have a way of seeing yourself, based on a neurological model such as IFS (Internal Family Systems), which helps you to be aware of your authentic Self rather that aspects of your personality, developed since you were a child that dominate your behaviour and worldview.
Ensure that you talk with a range of people who represent different perspectives, so that you don't buy in to just one dominant way of seeing the world that excludes others.
Model to others open-mindedness and compassion which are the hallmarks of the civilised citizen, whist challenging unsubstantiated biased views.
Action? Apply to be an Affiliate of the IVET Foundation if you are someone who lives a life based on universal human values such as respect, empathy, love, peace, empathy and altruism. See www.ivetfoundation.com
Neil Hawkes